Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday's suck

Monday's suck on so many levels. I have yet to think of one good thing that has come from a Monday to date. I woke up this morning and my eyes were bothering me. I thought that I could make it through the day with my contacts in, but no such luck. I had to call my hubby to bring my glasses to work.

I work at an insurance company and one of the girls that works for me had to call me over to look at a CD she found in one of our evidence boxes that was not marked with a claim number. So here I go tromping over to her computer to try and help her figure out were it goes. What is on the CD do you ask?? Pics of a car wreck with a teenage girl in it...AGH!! So horrific. I will kiss my daughters next time I see them....

Weight loss is going fine. I am hoping the scale will go down another pound by the end of the week.

Oh, I watched Julie and Julia. It was a cute movie, definitely a chick flick. Inglorious Basterds sucked. That of course, is just my opinion...and you now what they say about opinions :)

Be safe and keep it between the ditches please!!

Peace out.

Friday, January 15, 2010

It's finally Friday!!

I can't believe it 2 posts in one week!! I have been feeling pretty good this week. The weightloss thing is going fine. I am hoping that 2010 brings me more self awarness. Last year was a journey, I never have had such a roller coaster ride of feelings.

Joe lost his job in Februrary. It has been difficult but we are getting by. It's been nice to see him relax some, and not work himself to death for a change.

Joe and I went on our first ever vacation together to Clarksdale Mississippi. What a fun time! I was giving him a hard time the other day about not being romantic. He said that he was. I said well, what is your idea of romantic? Because obviously I have missed something...He said our trip to Clarksdale was romantic. Then it hit me, it is all a matter of perspective. To him that was romantic, to me it was fun. I guess I need to change my way of thinking, was romantic. I guess he was right(shh.. don't tell him).

Jessi my 1st born daughter moved out on her own that same month. It made me so sad to be left with only one kid at home. I remember back to when I was a little girl that was all I wanted to be was a mommy. That has been who I am, a mommy and a wife. So that part of me is going away. I know that I am still a mother but it's different being a mommy :)

The other significant thing that happened last year was my 30 pound weightloss. I was fed up with feeling bad about how I looked. I was determined to loose it and fell good about myself while I am still was youngish...

So that is that. I am looking forward to this new year and all of what life has to offer. I am hoping that we can find some friend to hang out with. I miss having people to have fun with.

Peace out!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's January...what the heck?

I haven't written in my blog for sooo long. I have thought about it but haven't done it because no one reads it anyway. Things have been going pretty good lately. No major catatrophes. I weighed in this morning at 198.2!! Yeah, I think I am in Onderland to stay. I have added walking up steps at work. I am going to shoot for at least 3 times a day x 50 stairs. Thats pretty good, right?

I need to stay focused on moving more and eating less. God how I love Nutella.

Peace out!